June 2021 Beauty Must-Haves

It’s been quite some time since I’ve posted a beauty must-haves list, but I want to get back into sharing what I think are the must-haves of the month. The summer is all about natural beauty and glow, and here are some things I am currently using to achieve that look!


Facial cleansing brush - I know there are a ton of different brands of these brushes, both manual and electronic, and I’m going to honestly say that I don’t think it matters what brand you get, but I was totally not into these for a LONG time. Then I happened to see a manual one at Marshall’s for $5 and my life was changed. I literally texted my two best friends and told them I felt like such a typical suburban mom because I now swear by my face cleansing brush, but I really do feel like my skin is so much smoother using this brush. Get the Cala dual-action rose gold facial cleansing brush for $5.95 on Amazon!


Facial Roller - Speaking of things I didn’t jump on board with right away, let’s talk about facial rollers. This was another Marshall’s grab that I’ve read about a ton but didn’t think I would really be on board with it. BUT I picked one up and I am IN LOVE with it. It is so nice and cooling to rub in my serums in the evening. It’s such a nice addition to my evening routine. AND if you don’t wear your sunscreen and happen to get burnt, I bed it would feel A M A Z I N G rolling aloe onto your face with one of these! I have a rose quartz facial roller, and you can get a Rosette Rose Quartz Facial Roller from Amazon for $19.95.


Tinted moisturizer with SPF - So I was sent this tinted moisturizer with SFP30 accidentally by Ulta last year, and when I contacted them to let me know that they sent the wrong item, they not only sent me the correct item, but told me to keep this one! This product has saved by butt more than once, as recently as yesterday when I spent two hours mid-day in the searing heat during my brother’s high school graduation. I made the conscious decision to use this product on my face and I am SO thankful for it, because I did not use sunscreen anywhere else, and I’m suffering for it. The great thing about mineral sunscreen is that it is not heavy & oily like typical sunscreen. It adds the perfect light coverage for hot summer days and nights! It seems the exact version I’ve been using since last year is no longer available (and don’t worry, I’ve checked the expiration, mine is still good!), you can however get a similar product from First Aid Beauty, their Ultra Repair Tinted Moisturizer, which is $28 and comes in 10 different shades.


Not Your Mother’s Curl Talk Sculpting Gel - I believe I’ve mentioned in the past (not sure if here on IG) that I have transitioned my hair care to “curly girl method.” It took me a while to find the right products for myself, and I have a rotation of different products I use on different days for different reasons, BUT, if I need my hair to look fab-u-LOUS! this gel is my absolute go-to! I stopped using gel in high school - I hated how crunchy and crispy it made my hair look, who knew “scrunch out the crunch” was a thing back then?! But I’ve discovered how to properly use gel for my curls and I LOOOOOOVE the NYM gel. Not only does it make my curls look great, but it smells amazing, too! I can’t recommend this gel enough to anyone who wants to try gel again. They recently released a 9.7oz bottle for $13.49 at Ulta.


Dove Advanced Care Deodorant - Ok, ok, so I know deodorant isn’t traditionally thought of as a “beauty product” but it’s part of my daily getting ready routine, and I have to rave about this deodorant! If you’re like me, every few years for whatever reason your deodorant stops working for you, and you have to find something new. I find some scents really unappealing, but I LOVE all things coconut, so when my previous deodorant stopped doing it’s job I was immediately drawn to this Dove deodorant in Caring Coconut and I am SO happy that it works really well for me, and smells great! You can get a 2-pack on Amazon for $12.99.

What products are you head over heels for lately? Have you used any of the products mentioned above? Share your thoughts in the comments below!!


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