Easy Alien Craft

I cannot take credit for the idea for this crafting project at all - Jack came home from daycare one day with this adorable little green alien, and he LOVED it! It was so cute and we played with it daily, until he dumped the cat’s water bowl on it and it became a soggy mess. Fortunately, it seemed like an easy enough project to recreate, so we tried it ourselves, and now want to share this cute little craft with you! 

Supplies Needed:


Toilet paper tubes (you could make giant aliens with paper towel rolls, too!)

Construction paper or craft paper



Pipe cleaners

Craft puffs

Any other craft supplies you have on hand that will make a cute alien!

How to make your alien:

1. Cut your paper to fit around your toilet paper roll and glue it in place. Let the glue dry. Save your scraps, you can use them to add flair to your alien.


2. While the glue is drying on the body of your alien, cut out eyes, a mouth, tentacles, antennae, let your imagination run wild!


3. Glue on your faces, limbs, hair, whatever you’ve decided your alien will need, let that glue dry.


4. Have fun with your aliens!!


Make it stand out

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Obviously, because of Jack’s age I did a lot of the work with this craft, but he likes his little aliens and it’s definitely something we can continue to visit as he ages; this is a super easy and super cute little craft. You can save up all your toilet paper rolls and make a whole family of little aliens to play with. Let me know if you give this a try!

Jack playing with the glue while we made our aliens.

Jack playing with the glue while we made our aliens.

Our finished blue alien.

Our finished blue alien.

Our finished green alien.

Our finished green alien.

Jack playing with his finished aliens :)

Jack playing with his finished aliens :)


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