Give Yourself Some Grace


I’ve been feeling like a slacker lately; I feel like I’ve been so lazy around the house and in getting things done and it’s making me feel crappy. It all started with a head cold I got that I just can’t seem to kick. I thought I was getting over it, but it came back with a vengeance last Thursday night/Friday morning. I wound up having a telehealth visit and was put on antibiotics since it’s been a month of me battling whatever this is. When I get in these funks, sometimes I just don’t feel like doing anything, including the things I like to do (for instance, this blog!), but especially the things I should be doing around the house.


I think about all the things I do on a normal basis - meal planning and grocery shopping, keeping an inventory of everything we need from household supplies to toiletries to groceries. I know when the sheets need to be changed and when all the plants need to be fertilized. I keep track of when the laundry machine, the dishwasher, and the garbage disposal need to be cleaned. I manage the family calendar and keep track of what’s in our joint bank account. I am well aware of the last time each bathroom was cleaned, the last time floors have been swept or mopped, or bedrooms vacuumed. I know when the windows need to be washed and everything needs to be dusted. There are SO many little tasks I take care of every single day, and it can be a very thankless and tiring list of tasks - not to mention all the things I WANT to do with my time (crafting, reading, makeup… things I rarely get to do as often as I’d like).

Today I am choosing to focus on the things I DO do - I keep my family fed with good, nutritious foods. I keep my toddler happy and entertained while also working from home (trust me, it is NO easy task!). I (think) I am a great host to friends every weekend for Sunday Funday in the pool with BBQ food and snacks. I may not keep the house as tidy as I’d like, but it’s hard to get all these things done. Sometimes they pile up and overwhelm me to the point where I am feeling like a slacker, and today I choose to give myself some grace. Not only do I do SO much, but I am also living in the moment. I am reading and gardening and enjoying time with family and friends so today I am giving myself some grace and reminding you to do the same. Know that you are enough and you do enough; don’t forget to stop and do things for yourself, too. And certainly don’t feel guilty when you need time to recharge.


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