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Self-Care for Moms

I feel a bit silly calling this post “Self-Care for Moms” since really, these ideas can be for anyone, but since I’m a mom, this is a mom blog, and I feel like I write towards other moms, here we are. I’ve talked about my struggle with mental health here before, and I think it is necessary to talk about these things because mental health is SO important. Along with talking about our struggles, though, I think it is important to talk about the things we do to lift ourselves up and care for our mental health. Here are some of the things I do to strengthen my own metal health; maybe there will be something here you haven’t thought of and you can give it a try for yourself!

Get A Massage

This is definitely a luxury self-care activity, but it is SO worth it if it’s something you can afford. I started paying for a Hand & Stone membership a few years ago and it. is. worth it! With working from home, and also with my preferred therapists having hours that don’t always work with my schedule, it’s been hard to get massages as often as I like, but the best part about Hand & Stone is that you can combine services, so I can really indulge myself sometimes and get a double massage! Also, you can gift services from your account to others, so I’ve definitely shared the wealth of stacked up services with friends, especially over the past year when they racked up due to being closed for Covid lockdowns.

Read a Book

I know we always feel like we don’t have time to read, but even 10 minutes before you turn off the light is a great way to wind down, relax, and have time to do something just for yourself. I love getting lost in a good story! I was never really into audiobooks until this year, and I also find I am able to get things done around the house while also immersing myself in a story (though in terms of self-care, it’s definitely way better to relax while reading instead of listening while doing housework).

Do Your Nails/Get a Mani-Pedi

I feel like this one can really go either way - some people don’t find doing their nails themselves relaxing while others do, so really, it’s your choice! While I love going to get a pedicure, I can’t always fit it in my schedule and don’t always feel like paying for it, but I have a pretty nice collection of nailpolish and find it relaxing to put a good show on netflix and paint my toes.

Have a Skincare Routine

This may not seem like something to do for yourself, but as I mentioned in my nighttime routine post, skincare is a part of my nighttime routine (as is reading and journaling!) and it’s really a full hour before bedtime just for me. From washing my face to putting on my different lotions and potions and just relaxing with my rose quartz roller… it’s a nice time to just relax and try to clear my brain before bed.

Take Yourself to Lunch

This is one I really love because you can combine a few self-care options and make a whole day of it! One of my favorite things to do when I have the time is to get a pedicure and a massage, then take myself out to lunch at this really great Greek restaurant near by and bring a book to read while I eat. I know some people feel weird about going out to eat themselves, but I honestly love it. It’s a time to enjoy delicious food and just treat yo’self!

Tell Your Partner You Need More Sleep

I’m adding this one here because it’s a thing I struggle with, but it’s so important!! I was feeling pretty run down a few weeks ago - I was struggling with a never-ending cold, Jack has been teething with his two year molars, and I was just exhausted. I wound up crying to my husband that I just wanted to relax. He told me to do what I needed to do…. so I went up to bed and slept for another hour or so. I woke up feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and way less cranky than I had been before my nap.

Take a Mental Health Day

I will say that you should try to schedule mental health days for yourself, but as someone who worked in customer service for almost a decade and then as a healthcare worker in different capacities, I know how hard it can be to get time off approved. I’m pretty sure in the 3.5 years as an ED nurse, the majority of my days requested off were denied. So I did not feel one ounce of regret when I had a day here or there where I just felt like I really couldn’t do it and called out of work. Again, I think it’s important to schedule mental health days for yourself, but when you don’t have the ability, you HAVE TO take the time for yourself.

Take a Drive to the Beach/Lake/Mountain

Sometimes you just need a change of scenery. For me as a Philly girl turned south Jersey girl, it’s almost always a drive to the shore. Not everyone is as lucky as I am to live so close to the beach, but maybe you have a lake near you, or a mountain or trail you like to hike… or maybe you don’t have any of those close by - just drive to a different neighborhood and check out different scenery and get some fresh air!


I feel like a lot of times when we think of journaling, we think of the typical “Dear Diary” trope of a teenage girl writing her angsty little heart out. Journaling as an adult can be much different. When I journal, I set goals, I write down good and bad things about my day, I think about things I am grateful for, and I write about things I want to work on for myself. It’s a great way to keep everything in perspective.

Grow Plants

Whether it’s a few house plants or a full on veggie garden, there’s just something special about caring for plants. I think it’s probably a mix of the plants contributing to your air quality and aesthetic and just nurturing another life - all that together makes it such a relaxing thing to do.

Do Something Crafty

Whether it’s just doodling, making a wreath or sign for your home, or painting a beautiful picture, take something to get your creative juices flowing and make some art.

Make a To-Do List

This may not seem like a self-care item, but for me, it definitely is. Sometimes I just get so overwhelmed with all the things I have to do that I have to sit and write it all down in a list to cross off. This always puts things into perspective for me and calms me down, making me realize that the things I have to do aren’t as overwhelming as I think they are.

Have a Girl’s Night

Sometimes self-care is spending time with your girlfriends! While I haven’t been able to host girl’s nights in the past year and a half due to Covid, I did start a book club in my neighborhood this year, and we had our first in-person meeting in May, which was SO much fun! My neighborhood’s women’s club also recently had their first in-person meeting since quarantine lockdowns started, and wow, it was definitely more than needed! Sometimes you just need to get together with your girlfriends, have a few drinks (or not, if that’s your prerogative!), and have lots of laughs together.

These are just a few of the things I do for myself. What do you do when you need some self-care time? Please share in the comments below!